Who’s in the driving seat of your life?

Marie McCarthy
4 min readFeb 28, 2021

How to overcome deep-rooted issues, take control of your emotions and life.

In our day-to-day life, many deep-rooted issues tend to hold us back. It can show up as being afraid of failure, taking your business to the next level, dreaming about your ideal life but afraid to take the first step to make it a reality.

What are deep-rooted issues to begin with?

First let us understand what part of our mind is driving our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Between 80–90 percent of our mind is made up of the subconscious mind, which oversees our thoughts and habits. And about 8–10 percent of the mind consists of the conscious mind, which oversees the daily tasks that we undertake.

When our subconscious mind is driving our thought pattern, we are on autopilot and most likely not even conscious of the impact. We are likely to feel that we are constantly battling with our inner selves. We know we want to change our behavior or how we react to situations and people, but we end up going back to our comfort zone and the same behaviors, thoughts, and habits that we have always known, leading to feeling frustrated because we want to shift this pattern. Hence the inner battle within ourselves. Even if we are sure about what we want to attain and the feelings that we desire for ourselves, we still end up being our own greatest enemy by sabotaging our progress.

Nonetheless, the mind is constantly working to protect you and ensure that you are safe but keeps you in your comfort zone and in the same cycle hence feeling stuck in life. The mind is aware that you are not satisfied with where you are but still works to keep you from hurting yourself. Therefore, you need to keep assuring yourself that everything will turn out alright — and that you will eventually emerge victorious.

It is, therefore, imperative to become aware of what your inner dialogue is telling you. Remember that you are not even aware of about 80–90 percent of your thoughts since they are in your subconscious mind, which is essentially controlling your life. This is where your first action to taking control of your life happens. You need to become aware of that inner dialogue and make a conscious decision not to listen to it as you previously did. Effectively you are moving from your subconscious to your conscious mind, in the split second, you have that thought.

The deep-rooted issues in your life are products of who and what you were exposed to as a child or a teenager. Nobody was born with limiting low self-worth or low self-belief. However, they become part of us and drive our thoughts, through our interactions with others as we grew up. We gradually come to embrace them as the truth about ourselves. They get banked in your subconscious mind. Remember that you do not have to have had a traumatic childhood to have deep-rooted issues that lead to low self-worth or esteem. Other situations may have been the cause of you developing limiting beliefs about yourself. It could have been a situation in school or amongst friends. It often can be something one person said that has never left you, and you then formed an opinion about yourself and again banked that in your subconscious mind.

So, what is the way forward? Well, begin with the truth. What are you telling yourself every day? Is it the truth? Do you have evidence to back up your thoughts? Or is it a story you have genuinely believed for so long that you make it part of your reality?

Next, monitor your internal dialogue. You need to become aware of what you are saying to yourself and make a conscious decision to move from the negative talk and embrace the positive.

If you have tried any of these things regularly and you still feel stuck, newsflash then something else needs to happen. You need to take massive action not tomorrow or next week but today. If you have got to the bottom of reading this article, then something has struck you. So why are you expecting your happiness to change if you do not fully understand why you think this way or why you have not taken the required action.

Let me be clear, you are in control of your life, but your subconscious is driving you. Get the help you need to get the results you have been dreaming of and to be genuinely happy within yourself. It requires action today so click this link and let us get YOU in the driving seat of your life.

I have cleared my schedule to make room for people who truly are ready for happiness so book in through this link. I look forward to chatting with you.




Marie McCarthy

Mindset Coach & International Mindset Speaker. I help women entrepreneurs Rediscover, Reset & Revitalize their life & business.